
MyRCM Account Login

MyRCM has detected, that you have entered this registration page without login. If you should already have a MyRCM account, then please login over the following link. After the login, you will automatically be redirected to the registration page of this event again.
Link to MyRCM login page

If you would like to create a MyRCM account, so that during the next registration your contact data are adopted automatically to the registration, then please select the following link:
Link to MyRCM registration page

Notice from organizer


Counting system

We are counting with MyLaps RC4 decoders with old firmware (< 4.5), which means that only MRT PTX old model doesn't work. All other transponders are working on the system.

Entry fee

We kindly ask you to pay directly your entry fee. When we have reached the max number of drivers (150) we will send a message to everyone so that everyone can pay their fee. When we not receive your payment within a reasenable time window we will move your entry to the waiting list.


One class 49€
Two classes  89€
Junior racer incl. the age of 18 year 


29€ / class

Payment information

Method 1: payment by paypal

send money to "info@mrcz.be" send your payment as "friend"

Method 2: payment by bankaccount:

MRCZ vzw

Otegemstraat 238/8

8550 Zwevegem


BNP Paribas Fortis BE84001177983659


Event / Section

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